Dental Implants In West Chester, PA: Retain Natural Face Aesthetics

Dental implants have made it possible to replace even a single tooth if necessary. Earlier, such type of treatments were not available. But nowadays, with the advancement, everything has probably become possible, whether it is tooth replacement or full mouth reconstruction. The affordable Dentures In West Chester, PA are a perfect solution to retain your natural facial aesthetics.

Dentures In West Chester, PA
Dentures In West Chester, PA
The tooth implants are usually inserted into the jawbone to replace decayed teeth. They are specifically made of titanium as this metal does not cause any side effects and reaction. They provide long lasting benefits and greater structural support as compared to other healing processes. They provide you with an artificial tooth root that functions like a natural one. They are available in many different types, such as root implant, Subperiosteal implant, Plate form implant and so on.

Root implant: It is one of the most popular type of dental implants in West Chester, PA. This particular type is highly effective and makes a perfect choice for those facing the problem of missing teeth. The treatment is done using a local anesthesia to make the patient feel relaxed. Initially, the bone is prepared to perform the treatment by inserting an implant into the jawbone. At last, the treatment is finished by making stitches on the gums.

Plate form implant: Another important type of dental implant is named as Plate form implant. This specific type is ideal for cases in which the jawbone is not wide enough to support a root implant. In such situations, a long and thin plate is being used to perform the process. This type does not wait for the Osseo integration period.

Subperiosteal implant: This type of dental implants in West Chester, PA are used where the jawbone is unable to support a permanent implant. This tooth implant is placed on top of the bone and embedded in the gum's instead of jawbone. The treatment is quite different than other types. It also demands a local anesthesia to support the treatment. 

Based on your oral condition, get yourself treated with the best treatment.